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Animation Preview
Creates a preview animation of current viewport, of active frames span and loads it in the Ram Player.
The temporary preview file can be found in the directory: ..\Documents and Settings\<User Folder>\My Documents\3dsmax\previews\quickpreview.avi (default installation path for Windows XP)

When enabled, hides everything but geometry during the shooting of the animation preview.
Starts the animation preview shooting.

Keys Properties
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Get / Set Keys Tangents These functions allow to copy Key tangents properties and selectively paste them to other Keys.

Get Key Tangents

Stores selected Key tangents settings. Only one Key must be selected in order to get its properties.

Set Keys In-Tangents

Source Key (left) and target Key with in-tangent set (right)
Sets selected Keys in-tangent properties to the ones stored.

Set Keys Tangents

Source Key (left) and target Key with tangents set (right)
Sets selected Keys in- and out-tangents properties to the ones stored.

Set Keys Out-Tangents

Source Key (left) and target Key with out-tangent set (right)
Sets selected Keys out-tangent properties to the ones stored.

Flatten Keys Tangents Flatten functions allow to selectively make Keys tangents flat.

Flatten Keys In-Tangents

Original Key (left) and after setting its in-tangent to flat (right)
Flattens selected keys in-tangents.
Unlinks in- and out-tangents editing.

Flatten Keys Tangents

Original Key (left) and after setting its tangents to flat (right)
Flattens selected Keys tangents.
Links in- and out-tangents editing.

Flatten Keys Out-Tangents

Original Key (left) and after setting its out-tangent to flat (right)
Flattens selected Keys out-tangents.
Unlinks in- and out-tangents editing.

Match Keys Tangents / Values Match functions allow to selectively match or average Keys tangents and values.

Match Keys Out-Tangents

Original Key (left) and after out-tangent matching (right)
Edits selected Keys in-tangents to match out-tangents.
Links in- and out-tangents editing.
Original Key (left) and after out-tangent matching (right)
If last Key is selected, matches the first Key out-tangent.

Match Keys In-Tangents

Original Key (left) and after in-tangent matching (right)
Edits selected keys out-tangents to match in-tangents.
Links in- and out-tangents editing.
Original Key (left) and after in-tangent matching (right)
If first Key is selected, matches the last Key in-tangent.

Average / Match Keys Values

Original Keys (left) and after averaging their values (right)
Averages selected keys value.
First Key matching last Key (left) and vice versa (right)
When only first or last Key is selected, matches the value of the opposite extreme Key.

Flip Keys Tangents / by Values / by Timings Flip functions allow to flip Keys tangents and values by their average values or timings.

Flip Keys Tangents

Original Keys (left) and after flipping their tangents (right)
Flips selected Keys in- and out-tangents, for each Key relative to itself.

Flip Keys by Values

Original Keys (left) and after flipping by average value (right)
Flips selected Keys values and tangents relative to their average value.
Original Key (left) and after flipping by zero value (right)
When only one key is selected, its value and tangents are flipped relative to zero.

Flip Keys by Timings

Original Keys (left) and after flipping by average time (right)
Flips selected Keys values and tangents relative to their average time.

Edit Keys
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Edit Keys section is a powerful color to copy or cut one or more keys from one or multiple tracks, and freely paste them to one or more tracks of the same or a different object. It is organized in four areas to manage the process. By composing the conditional sentences with selection buttons, almost everything can be accomplished.

How to use Edit Keys color:
  1. Select Keys to copy or cut from one or more tracks.
  2. Set statement about destination tracks.
  3. Set statement about destination frame.
  4. Set statement about how to manage existing Keys in target tracks frame span.
  5. If "to Selected Tracks" setting is active, select destination track.
  6. If "at Current Frame" setting is active, move the time slider to destination frame.
  7. Paste Keys.

Copy / Cut / Paste Keys The Edit Keys operative section. The three buttons manage the operations of copy, cut and paste Keys. To reduce mistakes, only one paste can be performed for each copy or cut operation, and every time the Keys buffer is cleaned.

Copies current Keys selection.
Cuts current Keys selection.
Pastes current Keys selection. If nothing has been copied or cut, this function is disabled.

To Tracks Edit Keys destination track selection section.

Makes the Keys to be pasted to the actually selected tracks. This setting is available when source Keys are cut or copied from a single track.
Makes the Keys to be pasted to actually selected node tracks matching source node tracks. Only Keys of matching tracks are copied and a warning is given if the match isn't complete.

At Frame Edit Keys destination frame selection section.

Makes the Keys to be pasted starting from the current frame. If Keys from multiple tracks are copied, the first in time is pasted to the current frame, followed by the others at relative distance to their respective tracks.
Makes the Keys to be pasted at the same frame they are copied from.

Keys in Span The Edit Keys existing Keys management section.

Deletes all Keys in the target frames span. The frame span is determined by the frame distance between first and last copied or cut Keys.
Writes new Keys in the target frames span, but doesn't delete existing ones. If a pasted Key should be written at the same frame of an existing one, the old one is overwritten by the new one.
Writes new Keys in the target frames span, but doesn't delete existing ones. If a pasted Key should be written at the same frame of an existing one, the old one is preserved and the new one isn't pasted.

Node Out of Range Types
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  Sets all selected nodes tracks out-of-range types to constant.


  Sets all selected nodes tracks out-of-range types to cycle.

Ping Pong

  Sets all selected nodes tracks out-of-range types to ping pong.

Relative Repeat

  Sets all selected nodes tracks out-of-range types to relative repeat.
